The Rotary Club of Accra owes its conception, founding and inauguration, almost entirely to the dream, vision and singular initiative and dynamism of Dan Michael Quist, Chief Accountant of Texaco (Ghana) Limited; an American Petroleum Products Marketing Company, with headquarters in Accra.
In his letter to RI dated February 12, 1958, Quist submitted his report of Survey Extension for the establishment of a Rotary club first in Accra and eventually other principal cities and towns in Ghana. In the report, he described and identified 62 businesses and professional areas, which could provide not less than 120 classifications. Quist then invited 32 men from the 62 identified businesses and professional concerns for a preliminary meeting at the Accra Community Centre on February 26, 1958 at 6:00 PM; ten attended, eight apologies were received and the remaining fourteen did not respond. Quist persevered in his endeavours until he subsequently got the commitment of 28 who constituted the charter members.
Meetings were held once a month in the evening of the first Monday of the month until August of 1960 when weekly meetings were introduced. In this new arrangement, the first Monday was retained as an evening dinner meeting with the rest as luncheon meetings. Later on, the evening meeting was abolished and the rule became a weekly luncheon meeting as we have today.
Rotary Club of Accra was admitted into RI on October 24, 1958; the membership was made up of seventeen Europeans, nine Ghanaians, one Lebanese and one Indian, namely:
The first Officers and Directors who were elected to remain in office until 1960 were:
Director, Club Service
Director, Vocational Service
Director, Community Service
Director, International Service
Past Rotary International Director (PRID)
Past District Governor (PDG)
Past District Governor (PDG)
Past District Governor (PDG)
District Governor Nominee (DGN)